The Power of a Black Teacher! Featuring Marcus North

Written by Teaching Lab

Marcus North, PhD, identifies as a critical scholar, liberationist, secondary language arts and theater teacher, co-founder of Elevated Ed, and lastly, a Black gay man. His identities — as multilayered and complex as they are — were just some of the reasons why we featured Marcus in our latest episode of The Power of a Black Teacher!, where we explore the meaning and implications of being a Black teacher in America through the lens of teachers themselves. In this interview, we also found Marcus to be engaging, insightful, and as our own Tamala Wiley called him, inspiring.

So before you press play on the video above, please sit down and give yourself 14 minutes of undisturbed time to yourself. It will be worth it as you watch Marcus talk about how he uses intersectionality, agency, strength, and identity as tools to help him successfully navigate all the spaces he lives within — from his first day as a high school teacher to his passion to uncover the truth in identity in his latest academic research.

And if his words moved you enough, let us know about on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn!

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