FY25 Teacher Advisory Board Member
Estefania Hereira
Estefania Hereira has just completed her 11th year of teaching 11th and 12th grade Multilingual Learners at the Flushing International High School. The curriculum Estefania designs focuses on the intersections within Computer Science, Mathematics and Art.
In addition to her work in the classroom, Estefania is a two time recipient of the Math for America fellowship where she has co-facilitated workshops on Racial Equity and has been a Restorative Justice (RJ) Collaborator. In her role as an RJ Collaborator, she is working closely with other educators to weave restorative practices into the fabric of the MfA community. She is also a founding member of an Ad-hoc committee at the National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) that is designing an Early Career Mathematics Teacher of Color Leadership Program. The goal of the program is to provide early career teachers of color with mentoring and community support as well as leadership opportunities within the NCTM organization.
Estefania currently lives in Queens, New York with her partner and two cats Mona and Mochi. She enjoys being outdoors, taking yoga classes, Afro Cuban and salsa on 2 dance classes.