Teacher Advisory Board Member
Maggie Guntren
Margret (Maggie) Guntren is currently a TEFL/English as a Medium of Instruction(EMI) Advisor/Fulbright Grantee living Taipei, Taiwan and an English Language Specialist with the English Language Fellow program. Maggie began her teaching career in the Mississippi Delta as a Teach for America corps member in 1994 and has been involved in some form of public education policy and/or practice, domestically and internationally, since.
Maggie has held a variety of K-12 roles including secondary teacher, district level coordinator for culturally and linguistically diverse education (CLDE), a pre-service teacher coordinator, instructional coach, and as a CLDE consultant. She has been awarded a variety of fellowships including a Senior English Language Fellowship in Santiago, Chile with the U.S. Department of State, a Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund recipient, held numerous fellowships with the Colorado Education Association, and was a School Retool fellow in conjunction with the Stanford d.school/ Teach For America.
Maggie graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Master’s degree in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice. She completed her second teaching license at the University of Colorado at Denver in K-12 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education and also holds a Colorado principal license.
Maggie joined the Teacher Advisory Board (TAB) because she values organizations that listen and respond to real educators and hold the belief that teachers' daily lived experience in the field constitutes rich and critical expertise. Her educational philosophy blends a passion for meaningfully crafted instruction that honors both teacher/student/community funds of knowledge with a deep advocacy and activism for social justice, especially for multilingual learners.
Her vision for education is quite simple; all children get what they need, when they need it, in order to learn at their ultimate best. All teachers get what they need, when they need it, to sustain a creative, inclusive, and innovative teaching practice while also finding balance personally and professionally. All communities find joy and belonging in teaching and learning spaces, where access to opportunities are never questioned.