Learning Resources to Enhance Everyday Instruction

Written by Teaching Lab Staff


Teaching Lab is partnering with the ASSISTments Foundation to offer free ASSISTments training and support as a high quality enhancement to our teacher professional learning experience. 

What is ASSISTments?

ASSISTments is a forever-free formative assessment math platform that empowers teachers to assign online from their curriculum, providing students with immediate feedback and teachers with actionable data. 

ASSISTments’ Content Library contains core Open Educational Resources like Eureka and Illustrative Math, and seamlessly integrates with Google Classroom and Canvas. With consistent use, ASSISTments is proven to accelerate math learning while also saving teachers 30 minutes a day normally spent grading. 

It is one of the few edtech tools that has both a tier 1 Evidence for ESSA rating, and directly aligns with teachers’ core curriculum. Over 20,000 teachers and 500,000 students use the platform.

For math teachers using Eureka or Illustrative Math, ASSISTments is easy to adopt, as it enhances their existing routine, rather than competes for instructional time. After teaching a lesson, teachers can use ASSISTments to assign practice problems, exit tickets or homework from their curriculum. They also have the flexibility to assign problems from any standard, to whole class or small groups, to support students with their particular learning needs.

Here is how ASSISTments works and how it supports AVT Labs model

While the benefit of using ASSISTments to support daily instruction for math learning has been validated, Teaching Lab will leverage ASSISTments data to support our culturally responsive curriculum-aligned professional learning.

Teachers will have regular access to curriculum-aligned formative assessment data, and powerful data insights, like common wrong answers, that they can use to improve their practice and grow their content knowledge as they engage in repeated cycles of inquiry.

During each stage of the cycle, teachers will leverage student work as well as data resulting from their ASSISTments assignments, to deepen their understanding of the content and how to best engage students with varying academic needs. 

Teachers will receive free high quality professional development on ASSISTments to support their regular use, and use of ASSISTments data will be incorporated into sessions.

Teaching Lab is seeking district partners using Illustrative Math or Eureka Math to pilot our collaborative model, which will leverage teacher-use of ASSISTments to deepen the impact of our work, and answer important questions about the potential for platforms like ASSISTments to improve teaching and learning.

If you are a district partner and want to pilot our collaborative model, contact info@teachinglab.org. We look forward to working with you.



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