Mastering the Equation for Active Math Learning

by Maria Kathleen Villanueva

Teaching mathematics can present challenges for educators, which often leads to low student engagement in classroom discussions and poor test performance.

The conventional emphasis on formulaic approaches and rote memorization limits students to traditional problem-solving methods. Research by Stanford mathematics professor Jo Boaler suggests that by changing the way we teach mathematics, we can witness significant improvements in test scores.

The key to this transformative change lies in encouraging students to think creatively when tackling complex problems. In this blog post, we explore strategies that pave the way for a radical shift in mathematics education.

Debunking Traditional Beliefs, Promoting Engagement

Grounded in the mathematics language routine, this Ask Emily social media episode debunks traditional beliefs on how to stimulate student engagement in learning mathematics.

At Teaching Lab, we encourage engagement over “fun” with the premise that educators share the common objective of creating classroom environments where lifelong learning and curiosity are encouraged for students. 

Here are 3 do’s and don’ts you should know to develop organic engagement with your students in the math learning process: 

Don’t: Overkill with skill and drill.

Do: Connect skill building to conceptual understanding. For example, implementing learning techniques such as number routine and “which one doesn’t belong”. 

Don’t: Work with story problems only.

Do: Present problems that promote inquiry which could lead to more conversations around mathematical concepts. This can include, but not limited to, contexts that are personal to them and are related to their community. 

Don’t: Promote games or mnemonic devices that persuade memorization.

Do: Invite students to explore underlying concepts and formulas on their own. You can encourage them to use tools like concrete manipulatives and technology (calculators) in the learning process. 


For more strategies about mathematical learning and engagement, check out these related articles curated for highly-motivated educators:


Maria Kathleen Villanueva (she/her/siya) is a first-generation Filipina immigrant who is passionate about promoting educational equity and amplifying Asian-American voices in socio-political spaces.

As a Digital Marketing intern at Teaching Lab, she develops and executes social media campaigns to optimize content for educators and school leaders. She is pursuing Foreign Affairs at the University of Virginia and serving as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion secretary of the 2024 Trustees.



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